Elettronica a Le Bourget

Elettronica, leader in the production of Electronic Warfare (EW), develops strategic and tactical surveillance capabilities as well as self-defence and electronic attack systems for naval, airborne and ground applications. The product line covers all kinds of EW solutions, from single stand-alone equipment to complete integrated systems, based on in house up-to-date technologies and architectures (modular, open) i.e. active phased arrays, receiving and transmitting modules, digital radio frequency memory and digital receivers.

Moreover, Elettronica strives to partner with its Customers to guarantee their self-sufficiency and autonomy. Obviously, the ability of providing high-end solutions to its customers is largely dependent on the development of new technologies, which are necessary to deliver the best products and updates in line with customer demands. For this reason, Elettronica invests about 10% of its resources in R&D and collaborates with universities and research centers to develop ideas and projects which will become future and real solutions available to Elettronica’s customers.

Elettronica is enlarging its product portfolio to cope with new threats and more stringent customer requirements. In addition to its RF EW core business, the company has developed new IR countermeasures and communication intelligence solutions, and is approaching the new frontier technologies in the cyber warfare domain, now consolidated with the creation of a joint venture company.

Elettronica and Expert System have created CY4Gate to address the fast converging market of Electronic Warfare (EW) and Cyber Intelligence solutions. The joint venture, established on the 17th of December 2014, has its premises in Rome. It will provide Intelligence, Law Enforcement and EW commanders, at various levels, a complete range of solutions capable of providing superior, comprehensive, fast and structured analysis of non-uniform data streams from Elint, to Tactical/Strategic Comint and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Semantic Intelligence, Virtual Humint, Meta Data Analysis, Data Mining, Data Fusion, integrated within both cyber defensive and offensive applications.
To illustrate the activities and capabilities, Elettronica will present a range of products that highlight the benefits of implementing the most advanced technologies such as:

Virgilius, an advanced, multiplatform, fully integrated, flexible Electronic Warfare architecture which exploits advanced signal processing techniques and key enabling technologies to deliver a superior range of performance, as well as a very high modular architecture that makes the Virgilius family of products available for installation in airborne, naval and ground platforms. Moreover, a modular design approach makes it possible to tailor the proposed solution to the specific needs of the Customer/Final User, both for emitter detection, classification, identification as well as to counter a large threat variety including: radar controlled Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA), Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAM), Air-to-Air Missiles (AAM), Early Warning, Search and modern Multifunction Radars of different classes of platforms.

ELT/572 DIRCM (Directional Infrared Countermeasures): Elettronica’s response to MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defence Systems) missiles, which remain one of the major threats to airborne platforms, easily encountered in the asymmetric conflicts and in terrorist actions. The most reliable and effective approach to counter this type of evolving threat is represented by the use of Directional Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM). The fiber laser technology, applied in the ELT/572, enhances DIRCM effectiveness by improving performances, effectiveness, reliability and efficiency, while it overcomes the traditional setbacks of previous DIRCM suites by reducing the installation constraints on both rotating and fixed wing platforms, as well as the even more critical and complex setting-up, alignment and maintenance operations. It also allows the use of a small, highly dynamic turret that can very quickly slew and, driven by sophisticated algorithms, accurately concentrate the laser beam on the seekers of the incoming missile threats, ensuring an all-around effective protection of the platforms even against multiple simultaneous threats.

ELT/741 system reflects ELETTRONICA’s product innovation policy focused on Electronic Warfare (EW) design activity encompassing the complete range of EW products. The ELT/741 can provide ELINT function for data collection, accurate processing and RWR function with an automatic alarm in case of detection of high priority threat emissions. This state-of-the-art ESM/RWR equipment is equally suitable for installation in both rotating and fixed wing high performance platforms. The modular design approach allows optimum configuration for various types of platforms. The core component is the Receiver & Processor Unit (RPU) incorporating the receiving and processing functions.

The ELT/800 is an innovation in ELINT equipment design for fixed and rotary wing applications and provides a superior product based on a Wide-Open and Superhet Digital Receiver architecture through a unique system approach and modern technologies. The system allows Tactical Surveillance (ESM function) and highly accurate data processing for intelligence analysis purposes (ELINT function). The ELT/800 is a compact and light weight solution providing a considerable installation flexibility. Fully compatible, it can be deployed on any legacy and future generation of airborne platforms.

Smart Elettronica Maintenance System The Smart Elettronica Maintenance System (SEMS) represents Elettronica’s most advanced system support product deriving from its long standing experience in providing customized solutions. This innovative approach takes full advantage of the next generation diagnostic and prognostic hardware embedded in Elettronica’s new EW Systems, and provides the maintenance operator with intuitive touch screen interface and multimedia capabilities, as well as step-by-step guidance in performing the often time-critical troubleshooting, fault isolation and recovery processes. SEMS allows to easily keep a complete and always updated maintenance record and configuration status accounting, and includes an integrated material management system that can be accessedonline by the User, as well as by Elettronica, and by the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in order to provide a prompt information management process together with readily available updated technical documentation and training sessions.

Cyber EW & Intelligence
A dedicated corner of the booth has been furnished with a large touchscreen table and monitor to display and to provide demos on Cyber EW & Intelligence products and capabilities in theframe of D-SINT (Digital Spectrum Intelligence Integrated System) that are designed and produced by Cy4Gate Srl.

Fonte: comunicato Elettronica


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